Tuesday, December 29, 2015

WISE-Decade Video

Usernames and Passwords have been emailed to counties

On December 29, LTSB emailed each County Clerk and LIO their WISE-Decade username and password. Please be aware that these logins will not be activated until the beginning of 2016!

Below is a copy of the email sent to each county:


Wisconsin counties are now required by state statute to submit ward level geographic information system (GIS) data to the Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB) twice a year; in January and July. LTSB has created the WISE Decade system to assist and facilitate compliance with these statute changes.

Please find your WISE Decade credentials below:

        Username: (your county)
        Password:  (your password)

        (Note: User logins are not available on the WISE Decade system until the beginning of 2016)

Collection will begin on: Monday, January 4th, 2016
And will conclude on: Monday, January 18th, 2016

For more information on the statute changes and this project please visit our website: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ltsb/gis/wise-decade/.

If you have any application support or data questions, please e-mail the LTSB GIS team at: support.wise-decade@legis.wisconsin.gov.

------------------------ Additional Submissions ------------------------

School District Collection

The WISE - Decade system can now be used to submit School District information to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Please visit http://dpi.wi.gov/gis/school-district-boundaries for program details and data requirements. For more information you may contact Sam Kong at: sameth.kong@dpi.wi.gov.

Thank you,

Wisconsin Legislature

Thursday, November 5, 2015

WISE-Inspector: data preparation tool for WISE-Decade CBAS

What is the WISE-Inspector? 

The Consolidated Boundary Annexation Survey (CBAS) module of the WISE-Decade platform requires county ward data to be submitted in a specific way. The WISE-Inspector was developed by Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB) to assist in preparing this data for CBAS submission. It is not required to be used in the submission process but is meant to streamline data preparation by assisting in checking the geometry and the required fields. 
The WISE-Inspector tool performs several basic checks to make sure the required data is present and in the proper format for the CBAS module. Data is required to have a valid projection and be in polygon vector format. Additionally, the CBAS module requires three fields to be present and populated within the input ward layer. These are:
  1. WardID, a unique identifier of the wards
  2. COUSUBFP, the census code defining the municipality
  3. SuperID, the identification code for the county supervisory districts.
WISE-Inspector checks for these fields when you import your data and assists in populating these fields. If these fields are populated and your data's geometry is satisfactory then using WISE-Inspector is not necessary. You can just zip up your ward shapefile and submit it to the WISE-Decade platform!

How do I download WISE-Inspector?

The WISE-Inspector tool can be obtained from LTSB’s website: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ltsb/gis/wise-decade.  The tool is currently available for Esri's ArcMap version 10.3. 

To install the add-in, make sure that ArcMap is not open and double-click on the file "WISE_Inspector.esriAddIn". A screen will pop-up asking if you do in fact want to install the software and select "Install". Open up ArcMap and right-click on the top of the page and you should see a drop-down list of all the toolbars you can add; scroll down to "WISE-Inspector" and make sure it is checked. When the icon (shown below) appears, click on it to open the WISE-Inspector.

Help Documentation

If you need help using the WISE-Inspector tool, please refer to: WISE-Inspector Add-In Tool Documentation

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

BAS/C-BAS WISE-Decade Update

Hello all,

Over the last week we have had several counties using the C-BAS application on the WISE-Decade software platform.  Here are some things we would like to pass along to you:

1.) Only one data set needs to be submitted to the C-BAS tool.  Although we would like you to submit your data that the Municipal Ward level, if this data is not as accurate as your current Municipal layer, please submit your Municipal layer instead. 

  • If you submit your current Municipal layer instead of Wards, you will still need to add the "COUSUBFP" and "WARDID" (this field would be blank) fields to your data.
  • If you do not know your "COUSUBFB" information for your county, please use the file attached to the e-mail from LTSB as a look-up.

2.) Once your data is loaded into the system, you will only need to document your county's annexations.  All other differences between your local data and the Census data are automatically coded as spatial corrections. 

3.) In order to submit your data to the Census Bureau, you will need a "token" for their new SWIM website. 

  • If you do not have a token, follow this link:  http://www.census.gov/geo/partnerships/bas/bas_ar_form.html
    • Enter your BASID (when you complete your documentation of annexations, the BASID for your county will be included in the e-mail that has your “Change” file attached).
    • Enter your entity name (example…Dane County).
    • In section 1, you will need to fill out the contact information of your highest elected official in your county.
    • In section 2, fill out your contact information
    • In section 3, choose “Our government HAS boundary changes to report. We will submit digital files or will follow submission methods on the BAS website”.
  • After you submit this data, you should receive a SWIM token for your county in 5 days or less.

4.) To check the statewide progress of this project please use the following links:

The maps above are automatically updated when a county participates in the BAS program using the WISE-Decade software platform.

Once again if you have any questions please contact me or my team at:  support.wisedecade@legis.wisconsin.gov.

If you have specific questions for individual team members, please use the following contact information: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/gis/contact


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WISE-Decade CBAS Update

Hello all,

We have had some activity on the CBAS web application this week. Progress can be checked using these rest services end points.

So far we have 3 of 72 counties have uploaded data to the website.

We are still hoping counties will follow the timeline that is outlined on our website.

LTSB is here to help if you have questions!