Thursday, November 5, 2015

WISE-Inspector: data preparation tool for WISE-Decade CBAS

What is the WISE-Inspector? 

The Consolidated Boundary Annexation Survey (CBAS) module of the WISE-Decade platform requires county ward data to be submitted in a specific way. The WISE-Inspector was developed by Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB) to assist in preparing this data for CBAS submission. It is not required to be used in the submission process but is meant to streamline data preparation by assisting in checking the geometry and the required fields. 
The WISE-Inspector tool performs several basic checks to make sure the required data is present and in the proper format for the CBAS module. Data is required to have a valid projection and be in polygon vector format. Additionally, the CBAS module requires three fields to be present and populated within the input ward layer. These are:
  1. WardID, a unique identifier of the wards
  2. COUSUBFP, the census code defining the municipality
  3. SuperID, the identification code for the county supervisory districts.
WISE-Inspector checks for these fields when you import your data and assists in populating these fields. If these fields are populated and your data's geometry is satisfactory then using WISE-Inspector is not necessary. You can just zip up your ward shapefile and submit it to the WISE-Decade platform!

How do I download WISE-Inspector?

The WISE-Inspector tool can be obtained from LTSB’s website:  The tool is currently available for Esri's ArcMap version 10.3. 

To install the add-in, make sure that ArcMap is not open and double-click on the file "WISE_Inspector.esriAddIn". A screen will pop-up asking if you do in fact want to install the software and select "Install". Open up ArcMap and right-click on the top of the page and you should see a drop-down list of all the toolbars you can add; scroll down to "WISE-Inspector" and make sure it is checked. When the icon (shown below) appears, click on it to open the WISE-Inspector.

Help Documentation

If you need help using the WISE-Inspector tool, please refer to: WISE-Inspector Add-In Tool Documentation