Monday, November 19, 2012

BAS Integrator Update

Greetings, from LTSB GIS's developer, Ryan Squires~

The BAS Data Integration Utility v1.0 has been completed and ready for Beta testing! All primary development is currently completed, but a collection of enhancement requests has been started, and any bug reports would be extremely helpful. The ESRI Add-In format is version specific, so there are multiple versions available depending on your ArcGIS version. If you do find a bug, please specify which version you are using as their core procedures are slightly different in order to avoid an ESRI bug in ArcGIS 10.1. There are no known issues with service packs.

I am also happy to report that data is being collected via the application already by our current Beta testers, so it would appear that if we get a high usage rate among the counties, we will be able to automatically collect a good portion of the state’s actual, unfiltered, municipal boundaries according to their own counties. The process works by uploading the original input data to LTSB’s FTP site while the application is creating the BAS Change file.

As features are added, modified or fixed I will continue to update you and give you links for the latest version, as well as instructions on how to install previous versions.

To Uninstall a previous version:

1.      BEFORE deleting any .esriaddin files, open ArcMap and click Customize > Add-In Manager, and use the dialog to uninstall the LTSB BAS Data Integrator add in.

2.     Once that is complete, you may delete any old .esriaddin  files, and install the new version. If you delete the .esriaddin file before uninstalling it from ArcMap, it will not let you install a new version, or let you uninstall it without having a copy of the file in the location from which it was installed. This is the case with all ESRI Add-In files.

To Install the latest version you will need two files, the ESRI Add-In File, and the data resources:

1.       ESRI Add-in File

a.       Download the ESRI Add-In File (521kb) for the correct version of ArcGIS:

                                                               i.      10.0: LTSB_BAS_Data_Integrator_10.esriAddIn

                                                             ii.      10.1: LTSB_BAS_Data_Integrator.esriAddIn

b.      Save the file anywhere. Double click the file in Windows Explorer. Click ‘Install Add-in’. Shortly after there should be a prompt that the install was successful.

2.       Resources

a.       Download the required resources (30mb): Data_Integration_Resources.ZIP

b.      Save the .ZIP folder on the root of the C: drive (C:\ Do NOT unzip the folder.

c.       Note: After the application has run the first time, it will prompt you when it is safe to delete the file, and the folder ‘C:\Data_Integration_Resources ‘. There will also be a new folder on the C: drive called “Data_Integrator”; Outputs, documentation, and the extracted resources for the utility will be stored here.

Any questions? Feel free to send us a question at our email address:

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